
Resources For Members
MCC Official Committee and Board Calendar: HERE!! 

Mcc Membership Committee:
The Membership Committee shall consist of one (1) house membership coordinator from each house, the Membership Officer, and any additional members approved by the Board. Quorum for the Membership Committee is five (5) members of the committee. The Committee shall be responsible for fulfilling MCC's membership, diversity, and outreach goals; providing training and networking for house membership coordinators; overseeing the timely placement of advertising by MCC and houses; orienting new members to MCC; organizing activities to build a cohesive community among MCC houses based on input from members; coordinating assistance to MCC houses during difficult or transitional periods; coordinating the provision of co-housing options; and making relevant proposals or referenda to the membership.

MCC Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee shall consist of one (1) representative from each house, the Finance Officer, the Finance Coordinator, and up to two (2) additional members approved by the Board. Quorum for the Finance Committee is five (5) members of the committee. Board members are encouraged, but not required to sit on the committee. The committee shall be responsible for developing an annual budget for MCC; regularly studying and evaluating MCC’s overall financial position; ensuring the accuracy and completeness of MCC house books and house budgets; setting standards for accounting systems, collections, and rebate practices; and for making recommendations on financial matters as requested by the Board.

MCC Education Committee (EdCo):
The Education Committee shall consist of one (1) representative from each house, the Education Officer, and any additional members approved by the Board. Quorum for the Education Committee is five (5) members of the committee. The Committee shall be responsible for fulfilling MCC's goals of educating its members on cooperative principles and management of cooperative housing; assisting other committees in MCC in educational goals and programs, educating the membership about development; maintaining educational materials and the MCC library; and organizing other educational events as directed by the board or membership.

MCC Member Groups:
The United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC)

Community Response Team:
The MCC Community Response Team is a resource intended to help members and MCC employees through the intra and interpersonal challenges that come with cooperative living. Members and MCC employees are empowered to choose their own level of engagement with the CRT and can do anything from request resources or materials to schedule a mediation. The CRT will engage only by request. Moreover, this team is meant to be a supplementary resource to normal house conflict processes (remembership meetings, heart circles, etc) and not a replacement.

To empower the Community Response Team, the following resources are pre-approved for use by CRT members. This list is not comprehensive, and CRT members are encouraged to request other resources as needed. Resources include:

Request a private meeting with one or more involved parties, or a house meeting, to discuss a conflict or complaint.
Request the presence or assistance of other CRT members, MCC officers, MCC staff, TUPOCC Chair, or other members of the community. (e.g. The Membership Officer or Membership Coordinator may be helpful in addressing issues involving membership policy or housing regulations.)
Arrange temporary accommodations at a different MCC house if members need to be separated during a conflict. The Chair may authorize reimbursement of a house for up to $10/day to pay for temporary relocation of members. (Houses with guest rooms include Ambrosia, Friends, Hypatia, and Lothlorien, and other houses may have empty rooms or crash space available.)
Hire an outside mediator. (The Tenant Resource Center (TRC) offers mediation services at a discount to MCC.)
Connect members with outside services such as AODA treatment, social services, hotlines/helplines, etc.
Help members access and navigate MCC policy, house policy, contracts, the MCC Schedule of Relations, and other materials.

Contact the Community Response Team at
Contact the CRT Chair at

Articles of Incoperation, Bylaws, and Policies
Proposal Form
Member Handbook
Schedule of Relations

Treasurer's Manual (May 2012)
Treasurer Guide (August 2013)
Member Debt Flowchart
Payment Plan Form
Security Deposit Accounting Form
House Discretionary Fund Withdrawal Form

Bed Bug Prevention Fact Sheet